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Project Permissible

Thesis Topic:
Exposing contributing factors behind a lack of gender diversity in the field of graphic design - A comparative analysis between the West and South Asia

There is a standing lack of gender inclusivity in the field of visual communication.
The world has recently been shedding light on negative power structures and speaking
of systemic change and this is an area that needs to be brought under further focus.
This project focuses on exposing the cyclic nature of contributing factors behind the lack of gender diversity in the field of graphic design. It reveals the invisible yet obvious societal norms that show up in the form of an absence of women in graphic design history, stereotypes and biases, confidence inequity, and a low number of women in leadership roles.

Viewers are invited to tear off a permission slip of their choice and use the provided stamps to create a mark of change. The process is designed to shed light on the often invisible role of permission, personal and societal, and recognizing the part we play
in identifying the issues at hand and creating change in a more positive and inclusive direction.

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